Thursday 25 November 2010

NME Cover

NME is a popular music magazine and therefore features a range of different types of new music. The target audience for this magazine is quite widespread so needs to be suitable for most people, especially the younger audience. It is aimed at people who are interested in new, in style music and who like to keep up to date with music. The font colour scheme used on this cover is black and white which is quite simple but stands out and work well together. Also, the type of font used is the same throughout the cover, giving it an individual style and theme. The font style used is quite simple yet effective as it is easily readable which will make the reader more inclined to buy the magazine. The title is in the masthead which is in a much larger, bold font in white. This stands out against the dark main image. Also the title is also in the foreground which makes it clear and easy to read, making it obvious to the audience and easy to spot. In the route of the eye, there are some cover lines with the main one being at the bottom of the page. The text is in a bold, large font so it stands out. This is because it is the main cover line so it needs to attract the audience and be an appealing story. This particular cover line is about the cover artist who is currently in the charts and therefore will attract people who are interested in the popular genre. The other cover lines are in a smaller font as they are less important but still stand out against the background colour. Some of the cover lines are in the hotspot zones which means the audience will spot them easily. One cover line is a list of new artists which will be featured in the magazine attracting the target audience as they know who will be reading about inside. This particular cover has few cover lines and is more about the image. Having fewer text on the cover could make the audience less attracted to the magazine as they won’t know what to expect inside. The image is the focus of the magazine so needs to be appealing and attract the target audience. Therefore it needs to be a current music artist as it will appeal to the specific audience. The cover lines appeal to the specified target audience as they include things such as ‘the state of music today’ so it will include current music. The cover is also the second of ‘10 special edition covers’ which would attract the audience more as it is different from the usual. Also this particular cover line is along the route of the eye so people will spot it easily meaning that they will be more likely to buy the magazine. The overall look of the cover is quite simple yet very effective as the colour and font schemes work well together.

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