Monday 21 March 2011

Evaluation - Focus Group

For my focus group I chose a few people who fit the target audience my magazine is aimed at. Therefore I asked questions regarding my final magazine to older teenagers/young adults females who have a strong interest in predominantly the pop and r and b music genre so would potentially enjoy reading my magazine. I showed the people in my focus group a sample of the front cover, contents page and double page spread and asked them what they liked and didn't like in order for me to make improvements in the future. I also asked for them to suggest strengths and weaknesses of all aspects of the magazine. Finally, I asked my focus group to rate my magazine out of ten so I could see if it attratcs to the specific target audience.

What are my magazines strengths?
What are my magazines weaknesses?
How could I improve my magazine?
Rate Pulse out of 10

Person Number 1
Front cover - "I love the colour scheme as it is really eye catching and stands out. The fonts used are good as they are clear to read and are attractive. The image looks very professional and the overall layout of the magazine is appealing. To improve the cover props could be used to show the magazine is about music."
Contents page - "I like the layout of this contents page as it is very clear to understand and the fonts used are quite simple but effective. The bold page numbers are good as it would be easy to navigate around the magazine."
Double page spread - " I like think the pull quote looks very effective. The bold black background  of the quote really makes the pink text stand out. To improve the spread more questions could be asked in the interview."
Rating - 9/10

Person Number 2
Front cover - "The cover is very appealing. I think it would be suitable for a music magazine. The use of fonts and colours are good as they stand out. I also think the layout is designed well and it looks like a typical magazine." 
Contents page - "I like how this contents is easy to follow yet it looks very attractive. The colours and fonts are the same as on the cover which is good as it gives the magazine a theme. The image looks professional too."
Double page spread - "The way this spread is laid out is very appealing and would catch the readers attention. I like how the questions and answers are in different colours so it is easy to read. The spread isn't over the top but is quite simple which is good because its easy on the eye. To improve another pull quote could be added."

Rating - 9/10

Person Number 3
Front cover - "I love the colour scheme used on this cover as the colours work well together and stand out. However, the scheme would appeal mostly to girls. I like the layout as it look very professional and the photo fits in well."
Contents page- "I like the photo at the side of the page as it is different and looks quite professional. I think the page is easy to follow and articles would be easy to find in the magazine."
Double page spread - "I really like how the title and the pull quote are highlighted in black as it makes the stand out the most on the page. I think the colours work well together too. I think the blank spaces on the spread need to be filled which would make an improvement."

Rating - 8/10

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