Thursday 24 March 2011

Evaluation - Target Audience

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience for my media product is predominantly female older teenagers/young adults in the age group of 16-20 who enjoy listening to pop and R an B music. I chose to create my magazine with this target audience because my original research showed that this was the most popular. This original research was found out through a questionnaire I created. I asked what kind of music people would want in a music magazine and what sort of things they wanted the magazine to involve. This helped me chose the target audience for my magazine. From the questionnaire I found that the majority of people were female and were in the age range of 16-20 hence why I decided to target my magazine at this group. As this was the age range I needed to make the magazine quite mature so it would appeal and be suitable to them. 

This is the questionnaire I posted on my blog to get my research on what target audience to use for my magazine. I also posted this survey on my facebook account to receive as many results as possible.
 The question below shows that 100% of the people that completed my survey were aged 16-20 and over 80% of the were female. Therefore I aimed my magazine at this audience. 

at ta The below question revealed that about 60% of the respondents preferred the pop genre and about 40% favoured the R and B genre. Therefore I decided to focus my magazine on these genres of music. This would appeal to the majority of people as proved by my survey. I would also feature new and fresh music to keep the audience up to date with these genres. This would keep the audience interested.

Just over 90 % of the respondents said they would rather the magazine use informal language. Therefore my magazine will mostly contain informal language. This is also what you would associate with a target audience of teenagers as they use a lot of slang. My target audience will the be able to relate to the magazine and it would be of interest to them.

From the questionnaire to discover the target audience for my magazine I found out many things from the respondents. I discovered that my target audience would be 16-20 year olds who are predominantly females who have a strong interest in pop and R and B music. From this research I incorporated suitable features which would appeal to this particular group.

The photos below show a media pack provided by Rwd magazine. The media pack tells us who the audience for the magazine is and a few facts about the company. 

The pack tells us that the core audience for the magazine is aged between 15-24, many of whom hold key positions in the music and fashion industries. It also says that the magazine is the only contemporary youth title with an ABC audited distribution and that it has an estimated monthly readership of 240,436. The magazine has also got a website which has proved to be very successful and has thousands of users.The target audience for Rwd magazine is very similar to mine so I was able to compare the two. The genre of music involved in both magazines are similar and the age range is too. Therefore I can relate my product to a real magazine showing that it would appeal to my specific target audience. This is because Rwd is extremely successful. Although my magazine is predominantly aimed at females, whereas Rwd has a varied audience, I can still relate my product to it as they are extremely similar.

From doing this research I discovered the audience for my magazine as the original questionnaire I created reinforced my ideas. Also, from looking at real life examples I can see that my magazine will appeal to the target audience it is aimed at.

1 comment:

  1. Current Marks

    Research and Planning: 14/20
    Production: 48/60

    Total: 62/100 (C)

    You now need to complete your evaluation and make any improvements to your Research and Planning, and your magazine by the final deadline of the 7th of April. To improve your magazine further consider putting a caption or a second pull-quote next to the image on the double page spread. You may want to add another style of font in your double page spread to give you more variety. Try to fill in the empty space next to the headline.
