Thursday 24 March 2011

Evaluation - Institutions

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The magazine which I decided to research was Vibe. I chose this magazine as it is very similar to my product. The genre and target audience of my magazine and Vibe magazine are the same, therefore I was able to compare the two. I found out some information about the magazine which enabled me to see the similarities and differences mine and Vibe magazine. I discovered that the genres featured n both magazines were the same and the audiences were quite similar.

These websites show the information I found out about the audiences of Vibe. Vibe provided a media kit to show all the various media it uses and a partners section which shows who they are partnered with.

Vibe has many partners including was founded and launched in 1998 by CEO’s “Grouchy” Greg Watkins and Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur. After many years of developing the site, has become a valuable resource for hip-hop on the internet, featuring daily news, interviews, reviews, multimedia, a fast growing community and other interesting content. In addition to the website, has been delivering daily news alerts to music industry tastemakers and hip-hop lovers two-way pagers, cell phones and email addresses since 1998. Sign up for the News Alerts.

I researched Vibe magazine and discovered that it is distributed by an American company called Intermedia Vibe Holdings, LLC. I then went on to find out about this company.

The following websites gives an overview about the Intermedia company:

A company like Intermedia would be good to distribute my magazine as they have been very successful with Vibe magazine. As my magazine is very similar to Vibe, the company would help to develop and attract the target audience as it has with Vibe. As Intermedia focuses only on Vibe magazine it would be able to appeal to similar people as it looks at similar genres. Both magazines are based predominantly at pop and r and b music which is all very recent. Also the layout and design of both magazines are very similar and all contain relevant information.

Similarities between Vibe and my magazine Pulse:

  • Artist to the right hand side of the page
  • Cover line above the title
  • Plain background colours
  • Bright, bold colours for the cover lines
  • Interviews
  • Large magazine name
  • New music
  • Recent pop music
  • Recent R and B music

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