Monday 25 October 2010


  1. Are you a student?
                              Yes                                  No

  1. If so, what year are you in?
           Year 7       Year 8       Year 9       Year 10       Year 11       Year 12       Year 13

  1. What gender are you?
                                   Female                    Male

  1. Do images or text attract you more to the cover of a magazine?
                                  Images                              Text

  1. What image would you like to see on the front cover, if any?
                       Group of students        Student        The school        No image

  1. Would you prefer the magazine cover to be busy and cluttered or more organised?
                                   Cluttered                   Organised

  1. Would you prefer to have more text or images in the contents?
                                    Text                                  Images

  1.  What language should be used in the magazine?
                                   Formal                             Informal

  1. What colour scheme should be used?
                    Red, black and white        Blue, green and yellow        Blue, black and grey

  1.  Do you prefer a variety of fonts to be used? Or just one?
                           Variety                                     One

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