Monday 25 October 2010

Contents Analysis

Colour: The colours used on this contents page are quite boring, however work well together and looks clear. The white font stands out against the green background and is easily readable. However the grey strip of colour at the top of the page is quite dull.
Font: The font of this contents page is quite simple but is bold and easy to read. The title of the page is in a larger font so stands out more and looks eye-catching. The content is in quite a small font.
Images: There are two images used on this contents page which make it more appealing. A close up shot is used of a student. The other image is of two students working. A laptop is used as a prop in the image to suggest it is a school magazine.
Layout: The title of the page is along the route of the eye so will be easy to spot. Also all of the text is in the optical area as well as in the route of the eye so will catch people’s attention. At the bottom the two images are in hotspot zones so people will see them easily. The overall layout of this magazine is good.
Mode of address: The language used in this contents is quite informal which would appeal to the younger generation. For ezample, ‘prepare your planner!’ is energetic.  This language sounds exciting and so would attract students.
Content: The stories inside the magazine are suitable for teenagers. For example, there is an agony aunt page which would attract to younger people. Inside are ‘events this month’ which is good for students as they like to be busy and would be of interest to them. Also there are games inside the magazine which would appeal to them too.

Colour: The main colour used for the contents of this magazine is blue. This is a good colour to use as it is suitable for both females and males. It makes the contents simple and easy to read as it isn’t busy and only uses one colour.
Font: All of the text used is in font colour white and the same font is used for all of the headlines. However a different font is used for the title ‘contents’, making it stand out more.  A shadow effect around the title also makes it appear bolder and more appealing. The colour white is good as it stands out against the blue background and is easily readable.
Images: There are a variety of images used making it more eye-catching to the students. On the top left of the page the school logo is placed making it recognisable and individual to the school. This is a typical convention of a school magazine.
Layout: The title of the contents page is along the route of the eye which means people will spot it easily. Some of the text is also along the route of the eye, however could be put more central on the page. There are images along the bottom too. These aspects attract the audience to these areas as they are easy to spot. Some of the headlines are in the hotspot areas too.
Mode of address: The language used in this contents page is quite formal but easily understandable and to the point, as it is aimed at students. I know it’s aimed at this specifc group because of the images and text used. There is also a school logo in the top left corner.
Content: There are a variety of stories featured in the magazine from entertainment such as ‘pool tournament’ to new school facilities which will provide interest from the students.

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