Monday 25 October 2010

Draft Cover And Contents Analysis

I used a blue colour scheme for my first design and I think the overall look is quite good as it would be suitable for both females and males. Also, it’s quite formal so would suit a school magazine. The masthead does stand out as it is bold and is in a large font. But it could be seen as dull because the colour is black. For the front page of the magazine I put most of the cover lines to the left hand side of the page which makes it an ordered design. However, this doesn’t fit the principal of the route of the eye as the majority of the text is focused on the one side. Although, the main cover line is across the page so is easy to spot. Also the main cover line is in a larger font making it stand out more. The image I would use for this design would be on the right side. I used the same font throughout the cover of the magazine but used different font sizes to make it more appealing and to make it more noticeable. The font is a serif font so is quite formal for a school magazine.  The contents page of the magazine is quite simple but follows the theme of the cover. This is good as it gives the magazine schemes of fonts and colour making it recognisable. I have put four images down the left side of the contents so it makes it more appealing to the audience. The headlines in the contents are made to attract students. For example there is a chance to win an iPod which would appeal to this specified age. 

For this second design of a school magazine I used a black, red and white colour scheme. This scheme is good as it stands out, and would be suitable for a ‘Neale Wade’ magazine as they are the school colours. The masthead stands out as the white font works well against red. The image would be in the centre of the cover making it the main attraction. Therefore, there are less cover lines and text. The cover line going down the right hand side of the page is effective and would grab the audience’s attention so the font is larger. I have used the same font for the cover and the contents giving the magazine an individual theme. This works well as it makes the magazine more professional. For the cover lines on the front cover I have used black for the font. This looks quite dull, and to improve this factor I could used either red or white instead as they are part of the colour scheme. It would also make it more attractive if a variety of colours are used. The cover lines are along the route of the eye too, which is good as they are easy to spot. For the contents I used the same colour scheme and same font. The headlines are all in different font sizes and colours making it more attractive and energetic, so it would appeal more to the students. The title is in a larger sized font making it stand out more. The contents page also contains three images scattered around the page making it more attractive. The red strip along the left side of the page too makes it more appealing along with the patterned borders around the text. The headlines would appeal to the students as well as they have things such as activity pages.

I used a blue, green and yellow colour scheme for this final design. The scheme is used throughout the contents and the cover so it looks more professional. The masthead stands out as the size of the font is large and bold. For the cover lines I used the same font, so the theme is continuous. However, the sizes and colours are all different so it makes it more appealing. The yellow used for some of the text doesn’t stand out very well; this could be improved by using a different colour in the scheme.  The border on the magazine cover makes it more attractive and would appeal more to the audience. An image is the main feature of the magazine right in the centre of the cover. This would also appeal to the audience. The cover lines follow the route of the eye rule though, so they would be easy to spot, attracting people’s attention. I think the overall design of the front cover is quite boring and could be improved. The theme of the colours and font is continued on the contents page too. The contents page looks more attractive and professional than the cover as it is more ordered and has a specific style. The page looks quite formal too. The four images on the contents page will make it more appealing to the students too. I used different colours for each headline making it stand out more. The headlines on the contents page would appeal to students as they include things like events of the month, keeping them up to date! 

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