Monday 25 October 2010

Cover Analysis

Colour: The main colour of the magazine is blue with a red masthead. The red agaisnt the blue stands out, making it more appealing.  Blue is a good colour to use as it would appeal to both boys and girls.
Font: The same font is used throughout the cover of the magazine giving it a individual style and theme. The font is quite simple but stands out. It is also easy to read. A read and white font colour scheme is used which works well against the blue background as it stands out.
Images: There is one main image on this particular cover which is the focus of this page. The image is good as it’s a close up. A strip of four smaller images under the masthead also make the cover more appealing and they show whats inside the magazine. The four smaller images are taken from a variety of shot types. The props used tells us it’s a school magazine e.g a folder and desk.
Layout: Along the route of the eye the title of the magazine is placed in the masthead. Also, the images and some cover lines are in the route of the eye. There are two cover lines in the hotspots making them easy to see. This is why they are in a bolder, larger font. However the left side of the cover is quite bare as it has no text. All of the cover lines are on the right side making it less professional.
Mode of address: The mode of the address for this magazine is teenagers. The lanuage used on the cover is to the point so will be suitable for younger people. Also some of the language is quite informal. For example one cover line says ‘happy times’ which would be associated with teen language.
Content: The content of this magazine features a variety of stories. For example one cover line says ‘hunting for a job?’ which will attract to students as they want money. The magazine also includes entertainment so will appeal to teenagers. 

Colour: The colour scheme is not very attractive on this particular cover. The yellow font against the green boxes isn’t very clear and doesn’t stand out, so it makes it harder to read. This will put people off the magazine. However, the text at the bottom of the page is in a bright yellow colour which does stand out.
Font: There are a variety of fonts used making it look busy which is suitable for younger people. The masthead stands out as it is in a bold, large font. However, it isn’t very feminine so would appeal more to boys. The cover lines are in a particularly small font and are quite hard to read. The text at the bottom of the page does stand out though as it’s in a bold, energetic font which would appeal to students.
Images: There is a waste up image of a student used on this cover which will attract the audince as it’s the main feature. The props used for the image, such as folders, suggest it’s a school magazine. Also a school logo is in the top right corner. These mage are both appropriate.
Layout: The masthead stands out as it is in a bold large font along the route of the eye. The main image is also on the route of the eye so it will catch peoples attention. Two cover lines are placed on the hotspot areas which are easy to spot. Along the bottom of the page is a bold phrase which stands out as it’s in the path of the route of the eye.
Mode of address: The language used on this cover is quite formal. For example, rhetorical questions are used for some of the cover lines to grab the attention of the audience.
Content: The stories featured on this magazine will appeal to the specified audience. For example one cover line says ‘win an iPod’ which is appropriate for teenagers as they like music. Also it would appeal to students as it talks about their social lives. 

Colour: The colours used are quite boring and doesn’t look very eye catching. The white font stands out though, against the dark background colour. And the black font looks dull as the background colour is dark green. These colours are also not feminine so wouldn’t appeal to girls.
Font: The fonts used on this cover are very basic and there is no variety so it looks quite boring. The masthead is in a large bold font which makes it stand out more. the text at the bottom the page is in a very small font and is hardly readable which isn’t very appealing especially for a front cover. The cover lines stand out as they are in a bold font.
Images: There is no maing image on this cover which makes it appear quite boring and dull. There are two small images at the bottom to show the content of the magazine and a small image of the school at the bottom. This makes it look quite formal and wouldn’t appeal to teenagers as it’s very plain and simple.
Layout: The mast head is along the route of the eye so stands out and will catch peoples eye. They are no cover lines on the route of the eye however, so it looks very boring. The only cover line on the page is on a hotspot area though, so would be easy to spot and draw peoples attention. An image of the school and other text is on the bottom of the page but does not stand out as they are both small.
Mode of address: The language on this cover is quite formal but to the point so is easy to read so would be quite sutiable for students.
Content: The stories on this cover would appeal to students. For example one cover line says ‘upcoming events’ which would attract teenagers as they like to keep busy. Some of the content may not be appealing though such as ‘inside the classroom’ which doesn’t sound very interesting.

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