Monday 13 December 2010

Font Planning

The front cover of my magazine needs to be kept simple and needs to have a sophisticated appearance, therefore I will use a maximum of 3 fonts. Also, by keeping the amount of fonts I use to a mimimum it will make the cover appear ordered and less cluttered. As my magazine is predominantly aimed at the female audience I will need to use suitable font types which will appeal to them. In the contents page and double page spread of my magazine the text needs to be easy to read, so the font needs to be less complicted and quite basic. Also, I will need to use a smaller font size. Both the contents page and double page spread will need a bolder font for the headlines and pull quotes. This will make them stnad out and will catch the audiences attention. The fonts I use throughout all pages of the magazine will need to be kept consistent making the magzine flow and have a particular theme. This will give the magazine a more professional look and will be easy on the eye.

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