Tuesday 14 December 2010

Level 4 Product

  • To achieve a level 4 a range of different shot types and distances need to be used for images used to show technical skills
  • Also, the correct and suitable mise-en-scene needs to be used according to the specific genre that is being displayed throughout the magazine
  • Manipulating of the photographs needs to be shown of a high standard
  • Accurate language needs to be used which is appropriate for the specific target audience.
  • An understanding of typical conventions of a page layout needs to be displayed to a high standard
  • Integrating of the text and images needs to be displayed appropriately with a variety of different font colours and sizes being used.

Monday 13 December 2010

Font Planning

The front cover of my magazine needs to be kept simple and needs to have a sophisticated appearance, therefore I will use a maximum of 3 fonts. Also, by keeping the amount of fonts I use to a mimimum it will make the cover appear ordered and less cluttered. As my magazine is predominantly aimed at the female audience I will need to use suitable font types which will appeal to them. In the contents page and double page spread of my magazine the text needs to be easy to read, so the font needs to be less complicted and quite basic. Also, I will need to use a smaller font size. Both the contents page and double page spread will need a bolder font for the headlines and pull quotes. This will make them stnad out and will catch the audiences attention. The fonts I use throughout all pages of the magazine will need to be kept consistent making the magzine flow and have a particular theme. This will give the magazine a more professional look and will be easy on the eye.

Production Plan For Photography

This task will be completed by the end January
The photo will be taken against a white background so the photograph will be more sophisticated and will make the cover lines stand out. Also, having plain white canvas will make the magazine look more professional. To create this look I will take the all photographs in front of a white wall in my house with bright lighting to make them look professional
People involved
I will only use one model for an artist on the front cover of the magazine to make it simple, yet effective. The shot type I will use will be a long shot so the audience will know what to expect inside the magazine. The model I will use for all photographs is Kate Hinson. The model will wear different clothes and have a different hair style in the contents page as she will be modeling different artists
Equipment needed
Camera, lighting
The model will wear fashionable clothes to represent the pop and R and B genre. The model will also wear jewellery to appeal to the predominant female audience. The image needs to look pretty and attractive to appeal to the audience. To do this the model will have make up on and have her hair done.

Sample Fonts

Arial - This font is very basic but easy for the reader to read as it is clear and simple. For example, this font could be good to use for the article text inside the magazine as it will be clear to read, so the audience will be more likely to read it.

Impact - This particular font is very bold and strong so will stand out in the magazine. It would be good to use for the title of the magazine cover or for titles inside the magazine as it will catch the readers eye.

Delphi sf - This font is all in capitals so appears to stand out more. It is also very clear so is easily readable. Therefore, it would be good to use for cover lines on the front cover or for pull quotes in the article inside.

Forte - This font is bold so will stand out amongst other text. However, it is not as clear as some other bold fonts. This font could be used for some coverlines to make them satnd out and to attract the female target audience as it is quite feminine.

Juice ITC - This font is quite feminine so would appeal more to this target audience. It is quite clear too, but isn't very bold. This font doesn't really stand out very much and isn't particularly attractive so wouldn't be suitable for the front cover of the magazine.

Heavy SF - This font is bold so will be clear and stand out, however it is quite feminine. This would be a good font to use for coverlines as it is quite appealing and would attract the audince. It would be a suitable font as it is clear and stands out but is attractive at the same time.

Sample Colour Schemes

1. This colour scheme includes the colours black, red and white. It think the colours work well together as contrasting colours are used which compliment each other. Also, these colours would be suitable for both male and females so would appeal to most people.
2. Pink, blue and black are used in this colour scheme which is quite attractive and would appeal to the younger audience. However, pink is typically preferred by females so may appeal to them more.
3. I used green, purple and blue to create this colour scheme. The colours are all very different so they stand out against each other.
4. This colour scheme involves the colours yellow, blue and red which work well together as they are contrasting colours. The colours are suitable for both females and males so would appeal to most people.
5. Purple, grey and black are the colours used in this particular colour scheme which give a sophisticated look. The colours work well together as it creates a simple yet effective theme. This colour scheme would also attract most people.

From these five colour schemes, i prefer the third option. I like this scheme as contrasting colours and they work well together. It is very bright and stands out, so will be eye catching. Also, it will appeal to my specific target auidence appropriately. For these reasons, I will use this particular scheme or a similar scheme for my magazine.

Draft Article

For the text in the double page spread of my magazine, I will have an interview of the artist featured on the front cover. I will have questions and answers like an interview would to make more professional. The interview will include questions about the artists music so the audience are kept interested. However, some questions will be more personal, which will keep the reader drawn in to the article.

Hey Katy, we’ve been so excited to see you! How are you?!
[Laughs] Aw, and I’ve been so excited to see you too. I’ve never been better, I’m so happy right now!

That’s good! You’ve had a crazy start to the year…
I know right, it has been pretty crazy! I’m so busy all the time, it’s hard to fit anything else other than work in. But I love singing and everything that comes with it… other than being forever tired!

I bet! So how do you feel about winning best breakthrough act…?
I was so shocked, I genuinely couldn’t believe it! I just remember sitting there thinking ‘did they really say my name’… I mean, I was honoured to even be nominated for the award! It’s overwhelming, you never think you’re going to win, you never expect it. This year there were some top artists in the breakthrough category, so it’s lovely knowing there are people who enjoy your music and support you.

And not to mention your first ever single flying straight to No.1!
It’s so surreal hearing this all the time, I’ve not got used to it yet! This is definitely the achievement I’m most proud of, I’ve proved to myself I can do it. You should never let go of your dreams, if you can dream it, you can do it. The best part is knowing that people are buying your music, the fans are great and I have huge respect for them. I wouldn’t be where I am without all their support!

So, would you say you’re 'living the dream'?
Well, I’m hoping this is just the beginning… but if my life carries on like this, I can’t complain! I’ve read a few negative things about myself, but I try and get past it. I don't like bad energy, so my focus is on the people who believe in me. I’m me and that’s all I will be.

Draft Double Page Spread

This is the draft double page spread for my music magazine. The dominant feature of this page will be the main image in the centre of the pages. This image will spread across the double page.

Draft Contents

This is the draft for the contents page of my music magazine. The title of the contents page will be in a larger, bolder font so it stands out more making it more important.

Draft Cover

This is the draft cover for my pop magazine. When I create the cover to my magazine I want the layout to be kept simple and ordered which shows in this draft plan. The title will be in the mast head aligned to the right at the top of the page. I will use  bold font for the title too which will make it stand out more and will catch peoples attention. The title will appear more obvious and the reader will easily spot it. The cover lines will be in a smaller font as they are less important than the title of the magazine.